Monthly Archives: January 2017

Must Have Ingredients of Anti Wrinkle Cream

Anti wrinkle cream brings life back into the skin where needed to repair and rejuvenate the skin. Unfortunately, many anti aging creams on the market do not work as advertised. They contain very little of the ingredients stated on the label, and some products may only temporarily help the skin look better on the surface. For lasting skin care results, you’ll want an anti aging cream that contains a high concentrate of important active ingredients. One Key Ingredient for Anti Wrinkle Creams – Aloe Vera Look for […]

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Sunburn Home Remedies

If you are suffering from sunburn, but do not want to go to the doctor, there are several home remedies that you can use to treat your condition. In many cases, these home remedies can provide you with better treatment than anything that you would get from your doctor. One of the best home remedies for sun burn is to apply cold water to the affected areas. This can be done by simply placing cold compressions on the area for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. […]

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Aloe Vera: The Ancient Healing Plant

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant resembling a cactus but is in fact a member of the lily family. Its medical benefits have been recorded as long ago as 2,200 BC. The clear aloe gel that is found in the leaves is used for external applications and the base of the dried leaf has a yellow sap that is known as bitter aloes. This is taken internally for many ailments. Where did this plant come from? It seems to have had its beginnings in the eastern and […]

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Aloe Vera Plant Beneficial for Your Skin Problems

Many may not be familiar with the benefits and importance of Aloe Vera even though it has been around for a very long time. They are desert lilies and belong to the same family. It grows wild in Madagascar and in parts of Africa. As it so useful and beneficial you can find it world over, packed and sealed. There are more than 300 varieties of Aloe Vera plant with many different medicinal benefits. With very high water content nearly 96% it has been leisurely used by […]

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Aloe Vera a Wonder Herb for Skin

Aloe is grown mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Because of its many therapeutic uses, it is now commercially cultivated in the United States, Japan, and countries in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. However, in many places you can grown your own Aloe Vera plant quite happy in a pot as a household plant. Despite its very cactus-like characteristics, Aloe belongs to the lily family, which also includes asparagus, onions, leeks and garlic. The Aloe plant contains over thirty enzymes, including lipase and […]

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Aloe Vera an Effective Medicine

Aloe vera is a very useful plant. It is very often used as a medicine to treat skin conditions such as burns and eczema, where it can help to stop the pain and reduce swelling. It is also very pleasant and soothing in its smell, which is likely why you will have heard of it: it is very often used in soaps, shampoos, and similar products. This is not the only way to buy aloe vera, however. It is also available in capsule and gel form, as […]

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Natural Remedies for Losing Weight Aloe

Normally when you think of aloe (which contains over 400 different species), you think of it being used for wound healing and things like burns. Aloe is actually added to herbal weight loss products for the main reason that it cleans you right out. It induces a strong cathartic response, which is why they also say on the labels it is an internal cleanser. One of the 400 species is Aloe Vera, and it is purported to have medicinal properties. Many cosmetics companies use aloe in their […]

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Aloe Vera and Its Natural Skin Care and Health Benefits

Aloe vera plants, particularly aloe barbadensis miller plants, have been used for centuries to help burns, cuts, and other skin ailments. Perhaps your grandparents always had one of these unique, cactus-like plants nearby, just in case of an emergency. If someone got a cut or burn, they would break an aloe leaf apart to extract gel from inside the leaf. The aloe gel inside the leaf is used as a natural healing salve. With the onset of commercialism and the recent boom in all-natural products, aloe has […]

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The Most Potent Form of Aloe Vera

There are many forms of aloe vera supplements on the market today including pills, liquid, aloe juice, and freeze dried soluble powders. If you do your due diligence and seek information you will reach the obvious conclusion that freeze dried aloe is by far the most effective way to absorb the benefits into your system. The consumer has to be careful because not all freeze dried aloe vera is the same. The most potent freeze dried aloe vera is produced from the pure aloe gel. This will […]

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Aloe Vera Remedies

Aloe Vera has proven to be very effective in healing skin problems such as minor burns, and scratches. But unknown to many, it has been recently discovered that it is very useful in oral care as well. Aloe Vera aids in the healing of gum problems. Gum diseases like gingivitis or periodontitis can be treated easily with this herb. Gingivitis caused by bacteria building up between the teeth and gums that cause inflammation and bleeding. It has been proven that Aloe Vera greatly reduces the instances of […]

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