Tag Archives: plant

Aloe Vera: The Ancient Healing Plant

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant resembling a cactus but is in fact a member of the lily family. Its medical benefits have been recorded as long ago as 2,200 BC. The clear aloe gel that is found in the leaves is used for external applications and the base of the dried leaf has a yellow sap that is known as bitter aloes. This is taken internally for many ailments. Where did this plant come from? It seems to have had its beginnings in the eastern and […]

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Aloe Vera Plant Beneficial for Your Skin Problems

Many may not be familiar with the benefits and importance of Aloe Vera even though it has been around for a very long time. They are desert lilies and belong to the same family. It grows wild in Madagascar and in parts of Africa. As it so useful and beneficial you can find it world over, packed and sealed. There are more than 300 varieties of Aloe Vera plant with many different medicinal benefits. With very high water content nearly 96% it has been leisurely used by […]

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Aloe Vera a Wonder Herb for Skin

Aloe is grown mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Because of its many therapeutic uses, it is now commercially cultivated in the United States, Japan, and countries in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. However, in many places you can grown your own Aloe Vera plant quite happy in a pot as a household plant. Despite its very cactus-like characteristics, Aloe belongs to the lily family, which also includes asparagus, onions, leeks and garlic. The Aloe plant contains over thirty enzymes, including lipase and […]

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